Sunday, May 24, 2015

Caverns of Sonara, the Alamo, and Yenik family in Houston, TX

May 17, 2015

We woke up early on Sunday, May 17th, realizing we had a long day of travel ahead of us. Our first destination was Caverns of Sonora. This family owned cavern was a lot different than the busy National Park. The cavern was beautiful with a lot more features than the National Park.
Caverns of Sonora

Back on I-10 and heading east, we drove towards Houston and stopped in San Antonio. We, of course, went through the Alamo, which was small in size from what we had expected. Apparently a lot of people think that when they visit the Alamo. We walked a bit through the River Walk of San Antonio, and surprisingly wished we had more time to spend there. 
Kate at The Alamo
We arrived in Houston at about 7:30 p.m. with a warm greeting from Aunt Mary and Uncle Mike. We were excited to eat a home cooked meal, take a shower and catch up with family. Aunt Mary and Uncle Mike were so welcoming and it was so nice to catch up and hear about the Yenik's in Texas! On Monday, May 18th, we stayed in Houston long enough to catch up with my cousin and her son. So glad we had an opportunity to see each other! I am excited to plan another trip back to Texas and spend more quality time with that part of my family! After a nice relaxing morning, we were back on the road by 1:45 p.m. and heading towards New Orleans. 

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