Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Packed Up and Ready to Roll

Time is going so fast now. We almost have averything packed and now it is official - we are sleeping on the floor. The stress of the packing and move is taking a toll on me. I am ready to just get on the road. We packed our kayak on top of the van the other day and that proved to be a little more difficult than I imagined. The rain didn't help - getting on the roof of the van in the rain is pretty slippery!

I talked with Roxanna last night! She is my friends' aunt who will be "watching" our van for us while we are in South Korea and Japan. I am so grateful for the kindness of Roxanna and her family - I look forward to meeting her in person. :) That is one less thing I'll have to worry about.

I am also saying my goodbyes at work. It really is bitter sweet. I am excited for this next chapter in our lives, however, working at ACMHS has made a huge difference in my life and career. I am so happy I was able to network and meet the people I did at ACMHS. :) They truly are a family to me!

Last Friday Martin and I had our going away party. It was fantastic to see everyone again. I know that for most of our friends it is not goodbye. Our friends here in Alaska will be life long friends. As we say our goodbyes, we know that we'll always have Alaska as part of our lives. And as Martin says, we'll be "Tough" in Lower 48 Standards because we came from Alaska

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you and Martin, Kate! I'm jealously following along. Hope you have the time of your life...
