Thursday, May 21, 2015

Hannah Hot Springs, Arizona

May 12 and 13, 2015

On Tuesday, May 12 we pack up our things in our mobile storage unit and our Subaru and officially said goodbye to our Flagstaff home. We left Flagstaff after a full night of catching up with current Game of Thrones episodes with close friends. Anya made a hearty breakfast in the morning and we were off to drop off the van at Martin's friends house. Since the van is not registered, we were nervous about driving it a short time to its temporary resting place, but we made it with no issues. We are grateful that Martin's friend has the space to keep our van until we are back in the fall.

Hannah Hot Springs
Our first destination was Hannah Hot Springs in Eastern Arizona, on the border of New Mexico. We made it to the parking lot at 3p.m. and quickly packed our backpacks to hike in. The description said it would be about 10.5 miles to the hot spring, so we didn't have any expectations to make it all the way there before nightfall. No  trail was in sight and hiked up the river up to a canyon, only to hike up another slot canyon to the hot springs. After some searching and about 5.5 hours of hiking we surprisingly found the hot springs. We were exhausted but both agreed that the mileage in the description didn't make sense.

The air temperature was warm, which made the hot springs pool seem extra hot.  After an early night to bed and a quick soak in the morning we packed up and started to head back. Another feature to this excursion was the "blue box",

The start of the Blue Box
which was a conglomerate slot canyon, which looked blue in the right light. We were fascinated by this short canyon and the hue of blue it created all around us. After visiting the blue box, we started to make our trudge back to the car at about 9 a.m. With numerous breaks on a hot sunny day, we slowly made our way back to the car. Burnt, dehydrated, bitten up by mystery flies, and exhausted, we repacked the car and drove out of Arizona through the Morencie Copper Mine and into New Mexico. Martin had one more hot springs in the plans - Turkey Creek Hot Springs in New Mexico.

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