Thursday, October 6, 2011

Drying off in Kyoto

We made it to Kyoto in the pouring rain. It was only 34km away from Nara, but it felt like a long ride. We arrived at the hostel soaked and had to wait for another hour to "check in". We did not have much time yesterday to sight see, so we decided to take a break and stay two nights. We first went to Gion Corner, last night, where we had a crash course in Japanese Theatre. It was good to see the Geisha dance, a traditional puppet show called bunraku, and some traditional Japanese music, but it was all too much to process.

Today we visited various temples, gardens, historical streets and shrines. A couple highlights were attending some sort of buddhist ceremony and an evening of Kabuki theater.

view of Kyoto behind me at one of the temples

streets of the Gion District

This is actually from Nara- Largest enclosed Buddah statue in the world.

another temple with traditionally dressed women.

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