Tuesday, October 4, 2011

From Bridge to Bridge, to Ferry!

On Sunday, October 2nd we headed for Onomichi, which is where we started our cycle tour of the islands. Onomichi is famous for a temple walk.  It was a short walk through the windy streets of the city, from temple to temple. We were lucky enough to catch a traditional Japanese wedding. I was reminded of my sisters wedding, when a bus load of Japanese tourists took photographs, so I didn:t feel guilty sneaking a couple of shots. Onomichi is also the start of the Shimanami Kaido cycle tour - which is a 70 km tour from small island to small island, ending in Shikuoku, a large island south of Osaka. The tour takes you on 7 or so bridges that offer brilliant views, especially on a clear day. That night we stayed in a guesthouse on Ikuchinjima Island, which had the best onsen yet, with views of the ocean. 

Have I mentioned the ferry system in Japan? It is more like a cruise ship then a ferry. We took an overnight ferry from Shikuoku to Osaka last night . The ferry lasted about 9 1/2 hours, but arrived at 0600 in Osaka, so we slept the whole time. These ferry`s are nothing like Alaska State Ferry system, and I thought those were nice - the Japan ferry`s have hot tubs in them, and this last one even has a cold tub and sauna. Lets just say that it is totally worth it to take the ferry`s in Japan. We are also pretty limited on what public transportation we can use being that we have bikes - we can`t take the trains, which is a bummer because those bullet trains look fun, and we can`t take a bus.

Today we made it to Nara. We are always surprised to see how many kilometers we`ve wracked up. 80km doesn`t feel as tough as it did in the beginning. We are also noticing how much we`ve been eating - seems like most of our money is going to food- yet, I`m always hungry!! Tomorrow we plan to cycle to Kyoto, which is an easy 47km away!

Martin with one of the many bridges that we cycled over.

one of the islands, great views, and great bike lanes!

When he looks at the map, I take self photos, I`m a big help.

Osaka Castle, and the most beautiful castle we`ve seen so far.

5 story pagoda in Nara.

Largest wooden building in the world, in Nara.

deer roaming in Nara, and I am fascinated!

I can`t fix this photo, but I had to share - Sake in a sippy cup. Not the best.

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